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Title :
Kunjungi Museum Rudana, Raja Malaysia Tanda Tangani Prasasti Tri Aksara
Short Description :
Sebagai pulau yang tersohor dengan kebudayaan dan cipta keseniannya, Pulau Bali kerap tak terbilang sudah dikunjungi oleh tokoh-tokoh dunia. Salah satunya Raja Malaysia, Yang Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong (YDPA) ke-14 Tuanku Al Haj Abdul Halim. Kunjungan ini mengandung makna sejarah tersendiri yang penting artinya bagi hubungan bilateral Indonesia dan Malaysia khususnya, serta kawasan regional ASEAN umumnya.
Title :
Visit Museum Fiesta @ Museum Rudana A Synergy between Museum and Mass Media
Short Description :
The event, called the Rudana Museum Fiesta was the brainchild of Museum Rudana and the Bali Post Media Group aimed at supporting the government's national effort to revitalize the museums and to attract the public, museums lovers and everyone that concerns to access museums. It was also a part of Visit Museum Year 2010
Title :
Angkus Prana Procession, Embracing the Sincere Devotion
Short Description :
On this special occasion, the Rudana presents an art performance entitled Angkus Prana Procession.
This procession essentially is a continuum of previous art performances reflecting the sustainable
vision, ideas and expression as well as the philosophy of devotion of the Rudana.
Title :
The Angkus Prana Procession @ Museum Rudana
Short Description :
In its artistic form, the procession consists of compositions of reflective and meditative motions, of
which each of it is a part of intergrated movements that symbolize and reflect the core phylosophical
value of Angkus Prana.
Title :
Bali Inspires II
Short Description :
The seeds of inspiration that were sown by these Balinese art pioneers have
become the Balinese art of today. The curatorial for Bali Inspires in this catalogue is
different to customary curatorial writing. In this case, the analytical content, which in
Balinese art circles normally concentrates on delivering information concerning trends,
schools of art, techniques used by the artist and geographical location, only makes up half
of the curatorial work.
Title :
Ilham dari Bali English
Short Description :
In the beginning there were only words. These words then gathered into phrases. Thereafter they transformed into tales of life when things were still simple.
Title :
Tribute to The Pure Heart of The Mother
Short Description :
On this special occasion The Rudana will present a creative performance entitled Tribute to
the Pure Heart of the Mother, featuring a procession designed to reflect The World of
Balinese Women. Here, the word Bali is not a simple reference to the daily lives and
philosophical values of Balinese Women, instead it contains a whole outlook of universal
value, where the term BALI serves as an acronym for Beautiful, Amazing, and Loving
Indonesia. It is suffused by a spirit of gratitude, an expression of appreciation of the bounty
of riches that has been bestowed on this country by the Source of Highest Beauty, its highly
strategic position between the continents of Australia and Asia, surrounded by the Pacific and
Indian Oceans; its vast territory made up of 17.504 islands, large and small, stretching from
Sabang to Merauke, from the Island of We to the Island of Roti.
Title :
A League of World First Ladies Pays Tribute to Women Through The Indonesian Arts
Short Description :
A League of Fisrt Ladies. From left to right: 1. the wive of the United Nation (UN) Secretary General - Mrs.
Ban Soon-Taek, 2. Singapore - Mrs. Hong Chin the wife of Asian Secretary General - Khun Alissa, 3. the First
ladies from Cambodia - Mrs. Bun Rany Hun Sen, 4. Japan - Hitomi Noda, 5. Indonesia - Mrs. Ani
Yudhoyono, 6. South Korea - Mrs. Kim Yoon-ok, 7. India - Mrs. Gursharan Kaur, 8. Malaysia - Datin Seri
Rosmah Mansor, 9. Vietnam - Mrs. Tran Thanh Kiem, 10. the wife of Asian Secretary Gneral – Khun Alissa.
Title :
First Lady Tran Thanh Kiem Cements Cultural Bridge at Bali’s Museum Rudana in Indonesia
Short Description :
UBUD, Bali, Nov 18, 2001. Museum Rudana has been appointed as the
venue for the Spouse Programme (Friday/18) for the the wives of U.N.
Secretary General Mrs. Ban Soon-taek, Korean President Mrs. Kim Yoon-ok,
Indian PM Mrs. Gursharan Kaur, Singapore PM Mrs. Hong Chin, Cambodian
PM Mrs. Bun Rany Hun Sen and U.N. Secretary General Khun Alissa and The
first lady of Vietnam Mrs. Tran Thanh Kiem who specially received very warm
welcome from the cheering children, man and women in their traditional
clothes amidst their artistic activities.
Title :
First Lady Tran Thanh Kiem Received a Royal Welcome in the Island of the Gods
Short Description :
UBUD, Bali, Nov 18, 2001. The first lady of Vietnam Mrs. Tran Thanh Kiem
received very warm welcome from Indonesian First Lady Ani Yudhoyono
during her visit to Ubud, Bali, Indonesia for the Spouse Programme held at the
fine art Museum Rudana.
Title :
Panca Tan Matra A Note from Nyoman Muka
Short Description :
It is my great honor to have the opportunity to express a few words regarding the young remarkable figure, Putu Supadma . Personally, to me it was quite amazing that Putu Rudana, as people normally call him, coordinated a wedding ceremony that incorporated a fine art exhibition of Indonesian maestros, namely Srihadi Soedarsono, Nyoman Gunarsa, Made Wianta and other
Title :
Panca Tan Matra Jazz Festival @ Museum Rudana
Short Description :
Following the success of Angkus Prana another successful event was organized by the Rudana – a collaborative event of fine art and world class jazz concert.
Title :
Kesadaran Budaya Penting Ditumbuhkan Salah Satu Upaya Ajak Anak ke Museum
Short Description :
Sumber : Bali Post, 8 Januari 2010
Anak-anak penting terus ditumbuhkan kesadaran budayanya. Kesadaran itu bisa ditumbuhkan di rumah, melalui sekolah dan sebagainya. Salah satu upaya untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran budaya itu yaitu dengan mengajak anak-anak ke museum
Title :
10 Museum Penerima Anugerah Pers K.Nadha Nugraha SIMPAN FOSIL HINGGA RAGAM UPACARA “MANUSIA YADNYA”
Short Description :
Berperan sebagai salah satu tempat untuk menyelamatkan dan mengamankan aset seni-budaya serta membentuk jati diri/karakter bangsa, melatarbelakangi Harian Bali Post tahun 2010 ini menganugerahkan K. Nadha Nugraha kepada 10 museum yang tersebar di Bali. Penganugerahan K. Nadha Nugraha kepada tokoh Bali dan Nasional telah dilakukan sejak 5 Januari 2002, tepat setahun amor ring acintya tokoh Pers Bali yang juga perintis Bali Post K. Nadha. Acara dilangsungkan di Museum Seni Lukis Klasik Nyoman Gunarsa, Klungkung, Selasa (5/1) ini. Setelah itu diadakan sarasehan mengenai museum dengan pembicara Pande Wayan Suteja Neka dan Prof. Dr. I Wayan Ardika, M.A
Title :
10 Museum Terima Anugerah Pers K. Nadha Nugraha VMY 2010, Jadikan Kebangkitan Museum
Short Description :
Sumber : Bali Post, Rabu, 6 Januari 2010
Visit Museum Year (VMY) 2010 yang dicanangkan pemerintah hanya bertujuan untuk mendatangkan wisatawan sebanyak-banyaknya ke museum. Padahal, seharusnya VMY dijadikan kebangkitan museum dalam melestarikan benda-benda yang mempunyai nilai budaya tinggi. Demikian penegasan Direktur Utama PT Bali Post Satria Naradha, saat menganugerahakan Anugerah Pers K. Nadha Nugraha yang berlangsung di Museum Nyoman Gunarsa, selasa (5/1) kemarin
Title :
10 Museum Terima Penganugerahan Pers K.Nadha Nugraha Gugah Kesadaran Budaya Bangsa
Short Description :
Sumber : Denpost 6 Januari 2010
Sepuluh Museum yang tersebar di Bali memperoleh penganugerahan Pers K.Nadha Nugraha oleh Bali Post atas kiprahnya menjaga budaya dan aset budaya bangsa. Acara berlangsung semarak di Museum Seni Lukis Klasik Nyoman Gunarsa, Klungkung, Selasa (5/1) kemarin. Acara ini dirangkaikan dengan sarasehan Museum. Momen penghargaan ini sejalan dengan program Visit Museum Year (Tahun Kunjungan Museum 2010) yang dicanangkan Kementrian Budaya Pariwisata
Title :
Putu Supadma Rudana : Betapa Hangatnya Kebersamaan
Short Description :
Sumber : Denpost Rabu, 6 Januari 2011
PENGANUGERAHAN K.Nadha Nugraha kepada sepuluh Museum terpilih di Bali, mencerminkan betapa hangat kebersamaan dan sinergi budaya yang terjalin selama ini antara Bali Post, sebagai media massa, Pengemban Pengamal Pancasila, dengan para pendiri dan pengelola Museum di Bali
Title :
Supaya Tetap Eksis, Perlu Reinterpretasi Museum
Short Description :
Sumber : Denpost, Rabu, 6 Januari 2010
Tantangan pengembangan Museum di era global menjadi perbincangan menarik dalam sarasehan terbuka di Museum Seni Lukis Klasik Nyoman Gunarsa, Klungkung, Selasa (5/1) kemarin serangkaian penganugerahan Pers K. Nadha Nugraha
Title :
Short Description :
Sumber : Bali Post, 4 Januari 2010
Sebagai upaya pengembangan pengetahuan serta pembangunan kebudayaan bangsa, pada tahun 2010 ini Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata mencanangkan Tahun Kunjungan Museum atau yang juga dikenal dengan Visit Museum Year. Program yang merupakan kelanjutan dari Visit Indonesia Year 2009 ini bertujuan bukan hanya untuk meningkatkan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan, baik dalam maupun luar negeri, melainkan juga sebagai sarana guna lebih menggugah kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya pelestarian seni-budaya bangsa
Title :
Logo “Visit Museum Year 2010” Diluncurkan
Short Description :
Sumber : Bali Post, 4 Januari 2010
Serangkaian pencanangan Visit Museum Year/VMY (Tahun Kunjungan Museum) 2010, Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (Menbudpar) Jero Wacik belum lama ini meluncurkan jingle, tag line dan logo VMY 2010 di kantor Budpar, Jakarta
Title :
Memaknai “Museum di Hatiku”
Short Description :
”Museum di Hatiku” merupakan tag line Visit Museum Year/VMY (Tahun Kunjungan Museum 2010 yang diluncurkan oleh Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (Menbudpar) Jero Wacik belum lama ini di kantor Budpar, Jakarta. Selain itu diluncurkan jingle dan logo VMY