On this special occasion The Rudana will present a creative performance entitled Tribute to
the Pure Heart of the Mother, featuring a procession designed to reflect The World of
Balinese Women. Here, the word Bali is not a simple reference to the daily lives and
philosophical values of Balinese Women, instead it contains a whole outlook of universal
value, where the term BALI serves as an acronym for Beautiful, Amazing, and Loving
Indonesia. It is suffused by a spirit of gratitude, an expression of appreciation of the bounty
of riches that has been bestowed on this country by the Source of Highest Beauty, its highly
strategic position between the continents of Australia and Asia, surrounded by the Pacific and
Indian Oceans; its vast territory made up of 17.504 islands, large and small, stretching from
Sabang to Merauke, from the Island of We to the Island of Roti.
There is not only the graceful beauty of landscapes, its mountains, beaches and valleys, but
also what is contained within, the immeasurable provisions of natural resources. This is not
yet to mention the richness in ethnic groups spread across the country, the fullness of
diversity of customs, languages, beliefs, and abundant creations of different cultures and
artwork, rich in colour and energy, all of which pay homage to the Mother, the figure of all
that is noble and inspiring, both symbolically and in the reality of daily life.
The procession in Tribute to the Pure Heart of the Mother is a the natural outcome of
previous pursuits, of a continuum of visions and ideas, and their resulting forms of
expression; it also includes philosophical values and other essential exploration that has been
deliberately maintained, whilst also serving as a form of devotion, an offering from The
Thus also, this procession that pays Tribute
to the Pure Heart of the Mother, which was
intended from the outset to invest the
presence of First Ladies of Neighbouring
Countries at Rudana Museum with special
depth, is a further reflection, a creation that
carries the work of former art and cultural
events to a deeper level. This applies to the
choreography of Prosesi Angkus Prana
(The Gathering of Energy), as much as it
does to the creative collaboration of Panca
Tan Matra (The Five Elements), Pesamuan
Budaya (The Cultural Gathering), The
Exhibition of Modern Indonesian Masters,
Persembahan Pagelaran Seni Budaya
“Joged” (Performances of the Art and
Culture of “Joged”), Eksibisi Sinergi Seni
Membangun Bangsa (Exhibition of the
Synergic Art of Nation Building), and other
such creative endeavours.
Although each of these art events has its own personal characteristics and mode of
expression, they all interweave to form a cohesive whole, and share the same spirit of paying
Tribute to the Pure Heart.
The spirit of Paying Tribute to the Pure Heart
began as a form of creative thought and
innovation that has now reached a stage that
allows its artistic productions to be shared by a
wider audience; these exhibitions and
performances are not restricted to the
appreciation of traditional artists, they also
provide the opportunity for mature modern and
contemporary artists to express themselves.
This is in agreement with efforts being made to
make Art and Culture the Soul of the Nation
that flows from the estuary of Character and
Nation Building.
In this Tribute to the Pure Heart, The Rudana
attempts to reflect the spirit of the noble
heritage bequeathed by Founding Fathers who
were steadfast and unwavering in their struggle
for the independence of their country.
Mirroring this historical date, the Proclamation of the 17th of August 1945, this Tribute
looks ahead: Towards a Vision of Perfection. This vision emphasizes the great need for each
individual child of the nation to build on self-confidence and to remain constant, whilst also
preserving a humble heart in seeking to realize the highest possible ideals.
The above statement carries the implication
that the One who is perfect is only God, the
Source of Highest Beauty, and God in all of
His manifestations. Bearing this in mind, we
should best strive to remain humble at heart,
and understand that there are no short paths
where ideals are high; everything calls for a
process that moves forward step by step.
This transcendent philosophy is inspired by
the Prasasti Astaka Aisvarya (the Eight
Supreme Powers) the inscription of which
the President of the Republic of Indonesia,
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, and First Lady
Ani Bambang Yudhoyono, were kind enough
to sign a short while ago, on the 18th July
2011, bearing the following words:
On this special day filled with blessings and overflowing significance
May honour and splendour provide everlasting shade for togetherness
Illuminated by inner stillness and clarity
The One of Great Wisdom perfected the Beauty of Humanity
Solely for the worship of glory and peace
May all that lends pure fragrance imbue the true self with nobleness
May perfect blue skies hold the entire country in peace |