On this special occasion, the Rudana presents an art performance entitled Angkus Prana Procession.
This procession essentially is a continuum of previous art performances reflecting the sustainable
vision, ideas and expression as well as the philosophy of devotion of the Rudana.
With the above in mind, the Angkus Prana Procession as a meaningful conception of the Rudana’s
newly published book entitled Bali Inspires, is a further and deeper interpretation of the previous art
performances namely the creative colaboration of Panca Tan Matra, Pesamuan Budaya (Cultural
Congragation), Modern Indonesian Masters exhibition, the art and cultural performaces entitled
“Joged”, the Nation Building Art Synergy exhibition and other art events. In spite of the fact that each
the above art performance has its own uniqueness as a means of art expression, they are actually
inter-related and each becomes an insperable component to embracing the sincere devotion.
So far, the so called spirit to embrace to sincere devotion has been implemented in thought and
creative practices in a form of art performances depicting a worship devotion. These art performances
aim at giving an appreciation to and arena for the qualified traditional, modern as well as
contemporary artists, to express their sense of artistry. This is in consistency with the efforts to make
the art and culture as the soul of our nation in line with the Nation and Character Building.
In order to embrace to sincere devotion The Rudana tries to reflect on the heritage of our Founding
Fathers who bravely and strongy fought for the independence. To reflect on this momentous event of
the Indonesian Independence Declaration on17 August 1945, a vision for the future has been
concieved: toward a perfect vision. This vision is to reinstate the importance for all citizens of
Indonesia to develop their confidence and sensibility to achieve the highest idea.
The above statement means that the essence of perfect Vision solely belongs to the Most Beautiful of
all – God, in all his manifestaion. With this in mind, we can then manage ourself so that we can
always be humble in achieving our noble ideas through a step by step process.
The Angkus Prana is a procession consisting of stages towards the Perfect Vision. In other words, it
is an effort to achieve the enlightment, a union of self (Bhuwana Alit/microcosmic) and the Greatest
(Bhuwana Agung/macrocosmic). |