Collectible Tickets:
Museum admission ticket Rudana latest release of tickets to the Museum's exclusive. Collectible Tickets can be sweet memories of visits to the Museum. In addition, by collecting tickets to 5, visitors can gain access at all for free. Collectible Tickets can also function as a postcard, and for foreign visitors, this ticket can be memoriblia from the Island of the Gods. Wait for other merchandise that can be collectible items.

Collectible and fashionable Scarf:
For more complete commitment to customer care, Rudana Museum presents a special gift as part of the merchandise free of charge to all visitors of the Museum. Souvenirs in the form of elegant white shawl will be distributed to visitors who will wear them on the shoulder / neck or tied around the upper hip. For Rudana Museum, this shawl has a high philosophical value. In addition can be interpreted as a symbol of purity when entering the Museum page - be the front and the main museum building which also display many works of art as a symbol of religious activities, some paintings were intended to be a medium praying. Museum Rudana believe that it takes the sacred souls of understanding of the works of religious art is. By offering a collectible souvenirs and fashionable symbol of commitment to the sanctity of this art, the Museum introduced the concept of total spiritual Rudana diplomacy.